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Jaco Royale


5 Things You Shouldn’t Forget When Planning a Bachelor Party

Groom with friends at Costa Rica Enjoying bachelor party

A bachelor party is organized by the groom’s close buddies before his wedding. The main idea behind this celebration is for the groom to make the most of his last days of freedom. Overlooking even a single crucial aspect can ruin the most epic night in the life of the groom-to-be.

Take into account these five handy pointers while planning a memorable Jaco Costa Rica bachelor party:

The Guest of Honor Calls the Shots

Since the bachelor party is being organized in honor of the groom, he has a say in whom to invite. Even if you do not approve of an invitee, you have to play along with the demands of the bridegroom. His preferences are all that matter and need to be included.

It could range from the choice of venue, drinks, food menu, and even the fun elements during the party. Plan to make all the groom’s wishes for the festivity, a reality. Remember, the expenses are to be borne by all those attending the party excluding the groom.

Finalize Transportation in Advance

Transporting guests to and from the venue is an important consideration and must be arranged without a hitch. Given that drinks are free-flowing at a Jaco Costa Rica bachelor party, the designated drivers should be sober. If none of the guests are expected to be in a fit state to drive post the party, book cabs beforehand.

Hire a Private Space

The bachelor party should be held at a venue where the guests and especially the groom enjoy complete privacy. Book the place earlier on to avoid last minute surprises. Also, make inquiries about whether the venue has any restrictions in place in terms of decibel levels, timings, etc. You can accordingly inform all concerned, well in advance.

Time the Party Right

Ideally, have the bachelor party a few weeks ahead of the actual wedding instead of the evening prior. You do not want the groom to suffer from a hangover on his big day. Also, the groom has a million things running through his mind leading up to his wedding day. A stressed out bridegroom defeats the main purpose of hosting a bachelor party. Space it out such that the groom has enough time to recover thereafter and complete his wedding preparations.

Cater to the Financial Aspects

All on the guest list barring the groom should be agreeable on the budget for this party. They, after all, have to contribute equally towards the expenses incurred. It is better to collect the individual contributions at the planning stage itself so all payments can be seamlessly cleared.

As an organizer, your job is to make the event a special one for the groom before he relinquishes his bachelor tag.

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